Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to stop aging when you reach 25?

Aloha people! 

Yeah I know that I haven't update anything for the past 10 days - well here we go! A dedicated entry on how to long younger by 5 - 10 - 15 - even 20 years younger! The secret behind any anti-aging that available in the market is actually the collagen supplements or percentages of it contain in the said product. 

Benefits of Collagen

Scientifically proven that collagen helps human body in beauty and health perspective. Not only does it promotes better and much more beautiful shiny hair, better skin complexion, reduce joint pain, heal our stretch marks and  better-looking nails but by consuming collagen supplements, it also helps us to rebuild the our natural-current collagen strands! 

So, naturally humans do have collagen?

Well yes of course! Human body do have and produce our own natural collagen. In fact, babies have the most delicate and best skin complexion. Reason being, because we were born, there are a layer that we call as dermis with collagen fibers. This collagen strands are the reason why babies and children and some teens have a very good healthy skin conditions. However, along the aging process, these collagen strands will start to weaken and also the our body will soon slowly stop its collagen productivity. Hence our skin epidermis layer will start to loose and stretch due to these weaker collagen strands. As a result, fine wrinkles will appear, pimples, acne, bigger pores, and so on.

Collagen for Men?

Since beauty is always synonym with the ladies - the public always presume that collagen are 100% for the women. When in reality check - this assumption is totally an assumption, or even such an urban myth! With thousands of its inner health benefits, collagen also helps to improve our blood circulation and indirectly enhance our brain function - please take note the indirect message of this statement. LOL! 

But it is true! And surprisingly without us knowing and realizing it, collagen do promote MUSCLE BUILDING - with the correct work out regime. Seriously though! This is fact and scientifically proven! 

Not only that, we already knew that when guys hit the gym they will obviously spot some stretch marks due to religious dumb-bell workout. Logic sense, your body is already like a Adonis greek god statue - and yet your skins full with stretch marks. Isn't a bit unpleasant? *wink*

BBPLUS - A collagen supplement for all

One of the collagen supplement available in the market at the moment is BBPLUS Collagen Supplement. How does it works? Well drinking a sachet a day will help our body to:

  1. Repair the current weak collagen strands.
  2. Rebuild new collagen strands by replacing the weak strands with its own collagen TYPE 2 from Fish peptide.
  3. Finally, increase the natural collagen productivity.

 I share with you guys my own testimonial from some of my customers that had been consuming BBPLUS Collagen. 

and obviously some of my own experience looking younger that my own age!

For any enquiries pertaining to BBPLUS Collagen, 

feel free to contact me at 

018 - 3750634 

or you guys can email to 

**we do international shipping as well

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog Stats for 21st October 2013

Evening lovelies! 

A short update to all. 2nd largest group of traffic into my blog was actually from the States. 
So may be this is an opportunity to expand my GLAM business there?

So i have decided that moving forward my entries will be written in English to ensure that every visitors would have an opportunity to read and understand the content! Alhamdulillah! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Salam Hari Raya Aidil Adha & Daging Qurban!

Salam Jumaat Semunya! 

Rasanya masih belum terlambat untuk Isis mengucapkan Selamat hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Kepada semua jmaah haji Malaysia yang kini berada di Tanah Suci - semoga selamat pulang ke tanah air bersama-sama insan tercinta masing-masing dan memperolehi haji yang makbur. Amin ya Rabbal Al-amin.

Di dalam kepenatan hari raya Aidil Adha ini semestinya lembu dan kambing menjadi tumpuan. Upacara penyembelihan qurban yang sering menjadi tumpuan di pagi raya. Macam di tempat Isis, sebanyak 22 ekor lembu dikurbankan. Sememangnya, riuh suasana bergotong royong masa itu. Seperti biasa daging-daging lembu ini semuanya diagihkan kepda semua rumah di kawasan rumah Isis. 

Dan memang menjadi kebiasan untuk isi rumah Isis sebelum memasak barangan mentah, perlu di'purify'kan dulu! Sememangnya tidak dinafikan daging lembu yang diterima itu daging lembu kurban tetapi proses penternakan lembu, ayam mahupun penanaman sayur-sayuran sekarang tidak sama macam 5-10-15 tahun yang lepas. Sekarang ini, segala ternakan dan sayuran kita bajakan, diberikan makan sepenuhnya dengan racun perosak, antibiotik, bahan kimia, bahan pengawet dan juga makanan bio-kejuruteraan untuk memenuhi permintaan! Kita sememangnya boleh memilih untuk membeli barangan ternakan organic tetapi sememangnya hakikat kita tidak pasti bahaw banrangan ini adalah 100% BEBAS dari bahan-bahan kimia merbahaya, bakteria dan lain-lain lagi. 

BIOZONE Food Purifier membantu mengurangkan dan menghapuskan bahan kimia, bakteria, antibiotik dan bahan pengawet dalam makanan kita sebelum kita makan. Ia membantu menyingkirkan toksin berbahaya kepada badan kita dan juga membantu untuk mengekalkan makanan kita kekal segar lebih lama dan rasa lebih baik!

Bagaimanakah BIOZONE berfungsi?
BIOZONE Food Purifier mengintegrasikan bahan-bahan 'ozone-resistance' untuk menukar oksigen ( O2 ) kepada ozon ( O3 ). Ozon-ozon ini yang menghapuskan bahan cemar akan ditukar kembali ke dalam oksigen. Perubatan tiub silikon bergred tinggi akan menyalurkan ozon ke dalam air di mana bahan mentah direndamkan. Proses 'bubbling' akan mengambil tempat untuk membersihkan makanan dalam tempoh masa yang telah ditetapkan.

Berapa lama saya perlu membersihkan sayur-sayuran dan daging?
Secara umumnya, semua makanan ( Contoh: buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, makanan laut) memerlukan 15 minit. Hanya bahan-bahan ternakan( Contoh: ayam, kambing , daging lembu ) memerlukan 30 minit.

Selain itu, terdapat 3 minit ON / OFF fungsi pembersihan untuk satu liter air. Fungsi pembersihan digunakan untuk menghapuskan bakteria pada permukaan makanan dengan cara yang cepat tanpa menggunakan air. Secara amnya , jika anda mempunyai lebih banyak air, anda boleh gandakan masa sewajarnya. Jumlah maksimum air adalah 10 liter atau 30 minit.

* Sila rujuk Arahan buku manual yang boleh didapati di dalam kotak bungkusan.

Adakah nutrien makanan akan hilang dalam proses pembersihan ini?
Kami mempunyai laporan ujian makmal pada daging mentah untuk menunjukkan bahawa nutrien berkhasiat dikekalkan. Ini hanya boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan penulen makanan yang berkualiti. Menggunakan teknologi konvensional, ia mungkin mengurangkan nutrien yang ketara.

Adakah ia menggunakan tenaga elektrik yang berlebihan?
Tidak. Penggunaan kuasa elektrik adalah seperti menyalakan mentol di rumah anda. Ia hanya menggunakan 35watts .

Adakah saya perlu mencuci makanan sekali lagi selepas pembersihan ?
Anda tidak perlu untuk mencuci makanan selepas proses pembersihan . Tetapi, jika anda merasakan perlu untuk bilas makanan selepas pembersihan , anda boleh menggunakan air yang ditapis untuk mengelakkan sebarang pencemaran semula dengan air paip.

Berapa lama jangka hayat yang BIOZONE Food Purifier lepas?
Selepas 2 tahun , selagi anda menghantar kembali mesin untuk penyelenggaraan umum sekali setahun , ia boleh bertahan lama.

Bolehkah saya mengeluarkan antibiotik daripada daging semasa proses pembersihan ?
Buih yang dihasilkan tidak mendedahkan apa-apa kesan antibiotik, tetapi dalam proses 30 minit pembersihan, ujian laporan makmal menunjukkan antibiotik tiada di dalam daging selepas pembersihan.

Bagaimana saya boleh pasti bahawa BIOZONE Food Purifier boleh melakukan pembersihan 100%?
Kami tidak mendakwa bahawa BIOZONE Food Purifier boleh membersihkan semua bahan kimia sebanyak 100%. Objektif kami adalah untuk cuba untuk mengurangkan seberapa banyak bahan kimia yang mungkin sebelum kita makan bahan ternakan / sayuran berkenaan.
Kebanyakan bahan kimia yang boleh dikurangkan melalui Proses Penulenan yang BIOZONE , yang kita mempunyai satu siri ujikaji makmal untuk dikongsikan bersama. Secara saintifik telah pun terbukti dalam banyak negara-negara maju , teknologi ozon biasanya digunakan untuk pembersihan air , makanan dan rawatan kolam  renang.

Untuk maklumat lanjut atau sebarang pertanyaan mengenai produk menakjubkan ini, boleh hubungi Isis melalui : 

Call / SMS / Whatsapp : 018 375 0634
WeChat : isiszakaria
Email :
Insta gram : @isiszakaria 
Facebook : Isis Zakaria 

Sesi demonstrasi percuma!!

Stress Management Class

Happy  Thursday!
Well yesterday I've went to a in-house training by our Training Team for VADS Berhad, Stress Management Class. Basically in the class, we've learn all the tools to indicate and identify our stressors. "Stressor" here simply mean  the root cause of the stress. 

And seriously it is a wake up call for me! Our Life Stress Map (LSM) divided into 6 category : 
  1. People 
  2. Money 
  3. Work 
  4. Leisure 
  5. Mind 
  6. Body 
And every single one of them, are holistically inter-related to each other.  Lucky me, unlike others, my Money Stressor were actually the 2nd lowest score with only 7 while People Stressor are at 5. Thank to God that I've my side income (basically which contribute the same amount of income with my day-to-day job tho) - money was not one of my contribution for stress! 

From the above LSM, you guys could see that the only 2 stressor in the YELLOW zone are Leisure and Mind. This score based from a StressMap survey which was recommended to be conducted every month to ensure that the LSM score to be accurate. A lot of techniques and tools had been shared from the facilitator herself Jamie Poo. Obviously it is a new information / knowledge that I simply can't resist to share with my team as soon as possible. 

Managing the Expectation

We also learn few yoga poses and how to do meditation effectively to achieve the relaxing black screen! And we also have an assignment for 30 days challenges to ensure that what we have learnt yesterday will be applied into our daily life. 

Seriously I'm blessed to be working here where the development of each of its family members being the main priority - regardless of the levels, whether you are in the management team or even simply an agent. 

Same goes with my business team in GLAM by Hanis Haizi. Even though, it is only my part time job, with a simple mindset to gain few dollars extra monthly - which bascially turn out a little bit higher than my pay-day income - development is the key to ensure that every franchisee will be successful Glampreneur. To achieve the financial and time freedom is the aim - with the guidance and lead by mentors, leaders, side-partners and even via all the free classes and training provided - In Sha Allah, the success will come to those who willingly to learn and work. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Throwback : Menang Best Supervisor Malaysia in CCAM 2012

Salam Semua!!

Esok kita semua akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha dan pastinya ramai yang sedang sibuk membuat persiapan akhir untuk beraya.

2 hari yang lepas pada hari Sabtu telah berlangsung CCAM 2013. CCAM bermaksud Contact Centre Award Malaysia diadalan setiap tahun dan diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Tahun ini majlis penganugerahan dilangsung di Sunway Convention Centre. Isis tidak dapat menghadiri anugerah berkenaan kerana Isis berada di Melaka pada waktu itu untuk Perwakilan Wanita Umno (which will be update later)

Tahniah buat centre Isis, Telekom Malaysia Unifi Centre yang telah memenangi GOLD award buat kali kedua berturut-turut. Bukan senang untuk memenangi award apatah lagi untuk menjadi centre nombor satu di seluruh Malaysia. Inikan pula untuk mengekalkan kedudukan setiap tahun.

CCAM sememangnya telah mengubah hidup Isis. Tahun lepas Isis telah memenangi Silver Best Supervisor Malaysia untuk kategori Above 100 seats. Walaupun tempat kedua tetapi sangat berbaloi memandangkan pemenang tempat pertama dari Maybank mempunyai pengalaman sebagai supervisor selama 8 tahun sedangkan Isis hanya berbekalkan pengalaman selama 9 bulan!

Proses untuk ke finalist sememangnya sukar. Ada 3 peringkat yang perlu dilalui dan keputusan hanya lah di umumkan ketika malam Gala Dinner - tahun lepas berlangsung di Hotel Istana. 

Peringkat pertama - semua yang pencalonan dihantar ke sekretariat CCAM oleh majikan. Untuk kategorI supervisor, sebanyak 1500 pencalonan diterima berserta dengan resume dan write-up masing-masing. 
Hanya 75 yang layak ke peringkat kedua. 

Peringkat kedua - 75 orang semi-finalist perlu menghantar video montage mengenai why I should win this award. Mati kutu dan idea nak buat video montage yang menarik perhatian panel jury and sememangnya untuk menonjolkan keunikan personaliti diri masing-masing. 

Peringkat ketiga - daripada 75 orang, hanya 20 sahaja yang layak ke peringkat akhir. Setiap individu /finalist perlu menyediakan satu slide.presentation memgikut format yang telah ditetapkan. Presentation selama 20 minit dihadapan panel jury berserta dengan question & answer session. Panel jury ada 6 orang dan hanya seorang sahaja daripada Malaysia.Yang selebihnya adalah dari Australia, Hongkong, Philippines, indonesia dan Singapore. Kecut perut rasanya nak present di hadapan someone yang bukan nya local. 

But Alhamdulillah masa malam dinner ketika diumumkan - rasa memang nak menangis sebab gembjra sangat-sangat. Memang tidak jangka sebarang kemenangan kerana finalist-finalist lain mempunyai pengalaman yang lebih luas daripada diri Isis sendiri. 

Tetapi sememangnya banyak yang Isis pelajari dari perjalanan dan proses CCAM ini sendiri. Dan setiap skills and ilmu yang dipelajari itu Isis gunakan sepenuhnya di dalam business bersama GLAM. Alhamdulillah berhasil! 

MUA : Valshuq

Award itu sekarang sudah elok diletakkan di dalam bekas kaca di rimah Bonda tercinta. 

We did won big last year. And the history repeats again this year!

Me with the award and certificate. Signature by Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor & Menteri Sumber Manusia.

Congrats to the team. We did it again!! CCAM 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Aeril Zafril & Wawa Zainal - married with a child.

Happy Weekend people!

Yesterday, two most eligible actor and actress in Malaysia (well basically to me the actor is such most sought after bacheor! And honestly I don't have any idea who is the actress) had publicly announce that they had been married together since February 2012.

Actor Aeril Zafril and actress Wawa Zainal had being rumoured to be a couple for ages and when they announced to the press that they had been married since Feb 2012 and have a 2-months-old son - jaw drops all across the room as not only the rumour is true but it is something BIGGER!!

The press conferance yesterday had seen that both couples, Aeril in white and Wawa look stunning as she supposed to be in confinement period - answered all the questions in a very calm and friendly manner.

Kudos and congrates to both. Personally I do believe that everyone deserve to  love and be loved - regardless. As our old folks always said, "Kebahagian milik semua"

Thursday, October 10, 2013

MASwing crashed in Kudat; claim 2 lives

Morning people!!

It has been ages since the last airplane crash in Malaysia. I believe the last airplane crash was at Melaka but however its was actually on training purposes - a pilot trainee and her instructor. And both on board escaped unharm. 

This morning we have learnt that there's a commercial airplane crash in Kudat, Sabah. The MASwing airplane crashed in Kudat Airport and claimed 2 lives.

The plane oversoot the runaway and crashed a house nearby village in Kampung Sin Sin while trying to land. The house owner and family escaped unharm.

There were 16 people onboard - 15 Malaysian and 1 Filipino. The crash had claimed a 69 years-old local man and the 23-year old co-pilot. Other passengers onboard were given outpatient treatment at Kudat Hospital.

Isis would love to express and extand condolences towards the family impacted from the crash. 

Reference :

Success and Opportunity

Happy Thursday Glam Readers!
It is already Thursday and another 1 day to go for the fabulous weekend! Can't wait for such a relaxing weekend.
So basically today I'm going to write something that really inspire me. Something that really touched me heart along my career world and GLAM business journey.
A lot of people in the world dare to dream big and imagine themselves to be very successful - to achieve financial freedom and time freedom but however I could easily count with my fingers on how many of these group of people dare to make their dream a reality.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Premium Beautiful - a Corset Revolution.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!
It has been a while since my last update regarding any product of Isis Online Shoppe. So basically today I'm going to update you guys my readers with the wonderful amazing Premium Beautiful Corset - a new revolution of corset that not only act as a body shaper but also a bridge to bring the wearer for a better health state and lifestyle.
It has been centuries the European wondering on how the Asian people maintain such hourglass figures even after confinement period. honestly speaking, we Asian are not 100% model-ly figured women but however, unlike others, even after confinement, we amazed people by able to loose the baby-fats and maintain the hourglass figures.

This marvelous Premium Beautiful corset comes in 3 pieces - which can be purchased separately.
1st piece : Short or Long Bra
2nd piece : Waist Nipper
3rd piece : Long Girdle
Why Premium Beautiful should be a must to all?

According to the above Premium Beautiful features, one of the main features and our hot selling point is Premium Beautiful corsets are actually acknowledged and also recognized as a SUPERBRAND product. It's a recognition given to consumer goods which uphold and consistently maintain their quality standard and sold in certain huge volume. Among other goods with Superbrand recognition are Gardenia, Maggi, 100 Plus Energy Drinks, and etc.
The Uniqueness of Premium Beautiful Corsets.
Unlike other corset available in the market  Premium Beautiful is the only one in the world that being designed to deliver results based on 70% for better health state and 30% for beauty.
Wait, this is a corset? Traditional corsets are designed to give shape by force - where as Premium Beautiful is designed to give shape, maintain and slimming using technology of Far Infrared Rays.
That is why it is call as Revolutionary Corset!!

Far Infrared Rays. 

Far Infrared Rays or F.I.R, are an invisible spectrum of sunlight discovered by a scientist named Sir William Herschel in 1800. His research led to the discovery that there were not only the known visible rays - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet plus the invisible rays, Gamma and Ultraviolet but also a previously unknown ray later named Infrared.
This invisible band of light is felt as heat. Approximately 80% of solar energy is made up of FIRand 60% is between the range of 10-20 microns. Approximately 50% of the energy generated by your own body is in the form of Far Infrared rays. So FAR infrared is completely safe. (J Cardiol.2008)
The human body generates FIR between 8-14 microns. When our bodies are heated by FIR rays the activity level of our atoms are increased and heat can be generated. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, Nobel Prize Winner and the discoverer of vitamin C, believed that all energy from the sun has profound effects on us. His research showed that light can literally alter the body’s basic biological functions.
Some benefits of Far Infrared Ray are shown below:
  • Detoxifying
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Stimulates Increased Circulation
  • Boosts Immune function
  • Pain Relief
  • Relaxation

    This is how the Far Infrared Rays helps to increase our oxygen distributions to
     our internal organs via blood circulations.

    Wearing Premium Beautiful corset consistently 8 hours per day would increase our body exposure to Far Infrared Rays. Hence, the Far Infrared Rays would be able to consistently to break down the water molecules in our body into smaller molecules. As we learn in basic science class, the smaller the molecules size, it will became more active and increase the impact of collision in our blood vessels, resulting our blood vessels will increase in size and our blood circulation will be improved & became more faster. By then, the amount of oxygen distribution towards our internal organs can be increase and improved our health state.

    Results : 

    1. Improve blood circulations
    2. Improve oxygen distribution to our internal organs
    3. improve our health state and condition
    How Far Infrared Rays Technology can prevent cancer?
    (Source : Medical News Today)

    First of all, we need to understand on how the cancer spread. It has something to do with their adhesion (stickiness) properties. Certain molecular interactions between cells and the scaffolding that holds them in place (extracellular matrix) cause them to become unstuck at the original tumor site, they become dislodged, move on and then reattach themselves at a new site.

    The researchers say this discovery is important because cancer mortality is mainly due to metastatic tumors, those that grow from cells that have traveled from their original site to another part of the body. Only 10% of cancer deaths are caused by the primary tumors.

    Hence, by improving the blood circulation consistently in our body, we could have reduce the number of possibilities that the cancer cells to reattached themselves at a new site!

    Ackwatek & Ackwadyne Intelligence Material

    Our Premium Beautiful corset are manufactured using high-technology Ackwatek and Ackwadyne fabrics. The same technology that has been used to manufactured scuba diving suits and space suit by NASA.
    Ackwatek & Ackwadyne helps control our body heats based on the environment around us, by the amount of sweats.
    As a result, by wearing Premium Beautiful actually give more comfort especially when the weather is too hot during summer, too cold during winter or even in a place where it is hot and humid all year round; for instance like us in Malaysia.

    Differences of Ackwatek & Ackwadyne Fabrics compared to natural Fabrics and Synthetic Fabrics.


    Who should be wearing Premium Beautiful Corset.

    • Those who want to lose weight
    • New mothers in confinement
    • Mothers who breast-feeding their children
    • Those with slip disc or back pain or back problems, or any combination of all or any of those.
    • Those with menstrual problems
    • Those with history of cyst or fibroid problems in family.
    • Those with cyst or fibroid problems.
    • Those who experience migraine
    • Those who experience constipation problems
    • Those who experience large amount number of vaginal discharge
    • Those with difficulties to get pregnant.
    • Those with history of cancer in family.
    Basically everyone should be wearing Premium Beautiful Corset. But hey, there are guys who wear this corset too. As I mentioned the corset set is actually a 3 pieces corset. The guys are able to wear the Premium Beautiful Waist Nipper and still would be able to have the same benefits as the ladies - except for the overall body shaping. They would be able to shape their belly fats with the extraordinary Premium Beautiful Waist Nipper.
    picture credit to Effah Mustaffa's blog
    The Premium Beautiful Waist Nipper for Men is a huge hits among bikers as it gave them full back support for the long ride on the superbikes. It also helps those with slip disc and by wearing it consistently for 6 months - it reduce the pants' size as well!!

    Premium Beautiful Corsets Testimonial

    What you waiting for?

    Also sold separately by pieces.

    Isis Zakaria
    Call / SMS / Whatsapp : +60183750634
    WeChat : isiszakaria

    p/s : we also looking for recognized distributor around the world. Text / email me for more business opportunity.

    Sunday, October 6, 2013

    Throwback : 2nd Photoshoot with Shaker Hanafi

    Itif was way back when in 2004/5 di Station Railway lama somewhere in Perak. Shaker Hanafi was one of the student there and both of us were so bored to the max - until we decided to do some shoot!!!

    The theme was very spontanious - just grab anything and try to work it out. (Feeling top model sangat kan - or now the new thing - THE FACE)

    And the result is not thst superb like Shaker's shoot nowadays - but its a start.

    The original snapshoot 
    Seriously ...

    In 2005 - the picture was bring used as Rizalman's Kebaya booklet Mock Up. 

    If you guys google image Shaker Hanafi - you will see my potrait on the 1st search found! 

    p/s : next - my potrait with Shaker Hanafi