Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Mami Rene!

Setelah sekian lama
Isis tidak update blog,
Today Isis just nk update a simple birthday wish
to a wonderful woman, friend, family, bestfriend, kawan ngumpat, kawan gelak, kawan nanges, kawan duka, kawan simpati, kawan carut pukul keliling
Mami, kakak rasa pic masa mami kawen je yg mami nampak cantik
So kakak upload yg ni k! hahaha

Myself, Bonda, Yati, Mami & Papi
Penang Sept 2012 - Pa & Umi Wedding

Yati, Bonda, Myself, Lyn & Mami
Klang November 2012 - Pa & Umi Wedding

** pic ni upload blog sbb pose Yati yang sangat menarik perhatian**

Once a bestfriend, we stick as bestfriends for live.
Family Puak Tulang
March 2012
Shah Alam
Mami & Papi Wedding

To Mami,
Kakak nak ucapkan semoga berbahagia,
may you will always surrounded by your loves one through thick & thin,
may you will have endless prosperity and wonderful moments till the end
may you and Papi will be happy, loved and healthy till Jannah
may we be friends forever
Isis Zakaria

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww... i like this! I love my puak tulang's family...

